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Best business credit cards: Winter 2017
Before signing up for a new company-wide card, weigh what features would provide the most value for your business and how much time you have to maximize the card's benefits.
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Poll: Cardholders love rewards, but many don't shop around
Poll: Cardholders love rewards, but many don't shop around
Cardholders can't get enough rewards and cash back, but many are not looking for new and better card offers, according to a poll.
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Pay off credit card debt with tax refund? 5 questions
Pay off credit card debt with tax refund? 5 questions
You have a refund check in one hand and a stack of credit card bills in the other. Do you wipe out card debt? Build up savings? Something else?
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Charged Up!: The art of stretching
Charged Up!: The art of stretching
Part of a wealthy mindset is learning how to do more with what you have, and Rice University management professor Scott Sonenshein spent years researching how this approach to resources can create astounding success.
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Expert Q&A
Why APR keeps rising on closed card with a balance
If the interest rate on a closed account keeps rising, it's likely due to the prime rate going up.
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Taking charge
Paid in your shades: Visa debuts chip-enabled sunglasses
Paid in your shades: Visa debuts chip-enabled sunglasses
Visa recently handed out 150 free pairs of WaveShades, some preloaded with $50, at an Australian event.
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Product news
Starwood offers 35k sign-up bonus for a limited time
Starwood offers 35k sign-up bonus for a limited time
New cardholders can earn up to 35,000 points on both the personal and business version of the Starwood Preferred Guest card if they sign up before April 5, 2017.
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