The day's top cybersecurity news and in-depth coverage

CSO First Look

July 21, 2021

Best Mitre D3FEND advice to harden Windows networks

Mitre's recently released D3FEND matrix offers sound guidance for any security admin or CISO looking to harden a Windows network against attack. Read more ▶

Image: Sponsored by HP: How to Isolate Malicious Email Attachments from Your Network

BrandPost Sponsored by HP Wolf Security

Sponsored by HP: How to Isolate Malicious Email Attachments from Your Network

Give users a virtual safety net from known and unknown threats by isolating high-risk content.

Biden administration, US allies condemn China's malicious hacking, espionage actions

Global coalition calls on China to curtail its cyber activities. For the first time, the US blames China directly for ransomware attacks.

US charges four suspected Chinese spies who coordinated APT40 hackers

The government outlines how APT40 conducted its Microsoft Exchange Server attack and offers advice to defend against nation-state threats.

Image: 8 biases that will kill your security program

8 biases that will kill your security program

CISOs and their security teams often hold cognitive biases that get in the way of making the right risk management and incident response decisions. Here are eight of the most common to avoid.

Google Cloud CISO Phil Venables on the future of cloud security

Can cloud providers help lift security's burden of endless compliance checklists and certifications?

How long-term hybrid work is changing security strategies

CISOs across industries are revisiting the stopgap security tools and the temporary policies they enacted to quickly enable remote work to replace them with stronger permanent solutions. But the old rules no longer apply.

Cybersecurity salaries: What 8 top security jobs pay

IT security is of major concern to all organizations, and they're willing to pay to get top talent. Are you being paid what you are worth? Take a minute to check.

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