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October 4, 2022
Editor's Note

Help Contribute to IW's Manufacturing Day Coverage

Manufacturing Day is this Friday, October 7, and as part of IndustryWeek's special coverage, we're asking people like you -- people who love their manufacturing job -- to share your passion. For more information, click here!

In The Spotlight
Pandemic-spurred slowdowns in oil and gas production gave the plant the opportunity to embrace cellular manufacturing layouts, dramatically improving efficiency.
Top Stories

In this e-Book, Vector Solutions provides a comprehensive guide for manufacturers to solve workplace skills shortages, decrease costs and increase uptime through training.

Despite improving supply conditions for many parts, electrical and electronic components remain both in short supply and up in price.
IndustryWeek Editor Robert Schoenberger shares his presentation before ARMA, an organization dominated by semiconductor and other high-tech manufacturers.
Now is the time to find opportunities and plan for tax deadlines prior to year-end.
How wide and deep is your manufacturing knowledge? Take this brief quiz and find out.

With increasing customer expectations post-sale, servitization is not something manufacturers should ignore. But what exactly is servitization? Asking that question in the wider business community can elicit a variety of responses.