CISOs Eye Data Proliferation; CIO Success Blueprint; Southwest Airlines Lessons Learned

InformationWeek Leadership careers
January 11, 2023
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The Best Ways to Avoid Vendor Lock-In
Being a captive customer has its bad points and its very bad points. Learn how not to become a high-tech hostage.

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CISOs Mark Data Proliferation as Growing Security Problem

Organizations must take active steps to maintain an accurate and up-to-date inventory of their data, with particular focus on identifying their sensitive data.
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Today’s Blueprint for CIO success: A Shift in Mindset

Chief information officers can help lead organizations through today’s complex macro environment, if they broaden their purview to areas that deliver business outcomes faster.
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CIO Lessons Learned from Southwest Airlines’ Winter Plight

Severe weather and outdated software systems led to an estimated $825M loss at airline, exposing operational risks that can arise if technology is not updated.
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Whatever Happened to the Workforce of Tomorrow?
Coding boot camps, engineering campuses, and online tech courses have been available for years, yet the struggle to match tech jobs with candidates continues. Read More
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Why Technology and Employee Privacy Clash
Logging, tracking, tracing, and recording have given companies enormous security advances, but is there a price to be paid in employee privacy? Read More
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How to Get the Best Cyber-Insurance Deal
Cyberattackers can drain an organization's bank account. So can a bad cyber-insurance policy. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
The 5 Hottest US Job Markets for IT Professionals
The economy is slumping, but IT hiring remains strong, particularly if you know where to look. Here's a rundown of five sizzling locations in the United States for IT jobs and why. Read More
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