Beth F. Shares Her Progress One Year After Attending the 12-Day Program

Star McDougaller Beth F. recently shared an update on her health journey one year after attending the 12-Day McDougall Program on the McDougall forum

One year ago today I started my life-changing journey - it was the first day of the 12-Day McDougall Program. It has truly changed my life! The follow-up support offered through the program has been invaluable for accountability. I'm so grateful that much of the support continues on. I will continue to participate in the weekly Starchivore group Zoom calls for graduates of the program. I will also continue to attend the bi-weekly Dr. McDougall & Mary chats (with Heather facilitating) for 12-Day graduates. I am really going to miss the regular Support Specialist meetings (one year of support is included with the program). I can always pick those up again and have already done extra sessions for the fee, which is very reasonable in my opinion. I seem to be in a pretty good place right now, so I'm going to double down on my activity level here along with the aforementioned support resources and see how things go.

I continue to strive toward following the Maximum Weight Loss guidelines. My biggest challenges at the moment are #9 - eating when hungry, and stopping when satisfied, and #10 - getting 30 minutes a day of walking or other exercise. As a volume eater, I love the feeling of fullness, and really never reach a point of "enough." So I'm still working on that area. As far as exercise goes, I have arthritis and other soft tissue issues that are pretty serious in one of my knees. Sometimes things feel OK for walking and other low-impact exercise, and sometimes they don't. I'm seeing an orthopedic doctor and starting PT soon, so we'll see where that goes. There is most likely a knee replacement somewhere out there in my future.

I am sitting at a BMI of 22.5 right now. I am a couple pounds above my goal weight range. So I would like to get my weight down just a little bit. We'll see how that goes as well. I would rather be where I am right now than try anything that might throw me way off track. So it's one day at a time with some experiments around my hunger and fullness issues and also really concentrating on the other MWL guidelines. It's nice to be at this place in my journey where I don't have any "wiggle room" with compliance because I am at a healthy weight! (referring to Jeff Novick's writing about plateaus and why weight loss gets harder the closer we are to our goal).

Well, that's enough for now! A Japanese Sweet Potato is calling my name! May year 2 be as magical as year 1!

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Look and Feel Your Best 

Over 90% of 12-Day participants with type 2 diabetes are able to completely eliminate or reduce their medication in less than two weeks! 

"Dr. McDougall’s lecture on heart disease was my favorite lecture. I loved all the scientific studies he showed us and I learned so much about unnecessary screenings and the truth behind the “business of medicine. - Vicki C.

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The Best Diet for Hypertention
Do you have questions about whether your ailment can be helped, reversed or cured by a change in diet? Book a 25-minute consultation with Dr. Lim, Medical Director of the McDougall Program, and have your general questions answered to find out if our program is right for you. If you decide to join the program, 100% of the consult fee will go towards the program enrollment. After completing the 12-Day McDougall Program, you will become a patient for life and we’ll be there for you to address your personal medical concerns when you need us.
New Patient Consultation
Learn the definitive version of Mary’s Mini-McDougall Diet® from the creators, Dr. John and Mary McDougall.

This is a trimmed-down, fast-acting modification of the regular McDougall diet: it is starch-based with the addition of non-starchy vegetables.

This diet is a simplified tool for people overwhelmed by the initial challenges of starting on the McDougall program and/or boosting their progress when they feel that changes are coming too slowly.

  • Reset your weight loss journey and get back on track with healthy eating without counting calories or eating at specific times of the day
  • Curb sugar and high-fat cravings
  • Learn an easy way to start the regular McDougall diet
  • Get answers directly from the McDougall team as questions come up (within the online mini-course)
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