Many videos on TikTok recommend taking melatonin for sleep issues...
But what they don't tell you is that taking a melatonin supplement can make things worse...
Well, you see, your body naturally produces about 0.3 mg of melatonin…
But most supplements give you 5 to 10 mg per dose, which comes out to a staggering 17 to 34 times more melatonin than the natural amount…
That’s like taking a sleep aid that is about 68 times stronger than you need…
Isn’t that crazy?
What’s more is, when you take all that extra melatonin…
Your body essentially gets drunk on the stuff…
This eventually gives you what’s known as a melatonin hangover - a state where you’re constantly drowsy and constantly low on energy but can’t enjoy a restful sleep.
So if you’ve noticed your energy levels tank after taking melatonin…
Odds are you’re dealing with a melatonin hangover.
Luckily, there’s a natural alternative to melatonin that can help you improve your sleep with no side effects…
It's a vital sleep nutrient that helps with blood sugar regulation, inflammation, depression, and much more...
And according to Harvard Medical School, it regulates sleep patterns, allowing your body to go into deep recovery sleep mode.
Learn about it here (and get a free box!)