Hey John, There’s a quiet health revolution brewing right now, but it’s getting louder and louder every day. And it involves one of our greatest foes on the planet… cancer. - Do you have cancer or do you know someone with cancer? - Does your medicine cabinet look like a “mini-pharmacy”? - Do you feel that there must be a better way? If you answered “yes” to any of the questions above, then you need to watch a groundbreaking, 9-episode docu-series, ‘A GLOBAL QUEST.’ Ty and Charlene Bollinger (our friends over at The Truth About Cancer®) are celebrating TTAC’s 10 year anniversary and have been on a personal mission to discover natural methods to prevent and reverse cancer for over two decades. You see, they are not only investigative journalists and filmmakers, but they’ve also been devastated by the ravaging effects of cancer. The loss of 7 close family members (including Ty’s mother and father) led them on a quest to discover the cures for cancer. |
Over the past decade, they’ve been releasing their documentaries for the world to watch, absolutely free. And with the release of their groundbreaking, 9-episode cancer docu-series, well, they've done it again! >> Click here for a sneak peek at the trailer << Chances are if you or a loved one has ever been diagnosed with cancer, the first words out of the mouth of the oncologist are “chemo” or “radiation” or “surgery.” Those words are enough to strike fear in anyone! The reality is that we’ve all been fed quite a bit of nonsense when it comes to the “treatment” of cancer with conventional methods. The statistics are startling, one in two men and one in three women will get cancer in their lifetime. You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to learn the truth about cancer. Join us and discover the truth about cancer in this 9-episode docuseries at A Global Quest, starting TODAY, Wednesday, August 28! To better health, The GreenMedInfo Team |