Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums. |
DAX query on filter in Power BI - Hi I have created a DAX formula that counts an attribute based on a filter. Is it possible to have a filter coming from two different dimension groups. In the example below, I want to count all Table A field A records where the TableA.field3 = 1 and TableB.Field2 =2 . CALCULATE(COUNT('TableA'[FieldA]), Filter('TableA', [Field3] […] |
Calculate the sum of a value where a specific column has a lower value (DAX) - I have an SSAS tabular Model with a table containing ledger data and another table containing account information. On this account filtering table I have a field called Typeorder. The Typeorders are as follows COA_Type ,Typeorder Revenue ,1 COGS ,2 Operating Expense ,3 NonOperating Expense, 4 Income Tax ,5 Asset ,6 Liability ,7 Equity, 8 […] |
Master Data Services - Can Anybody Please Assist me in connecting to Internet Information Services. Here follows the error, settings etc. |
Creating 1 record in 1 table from multiple records in another table - 0 I am trying to populate a table with multiple records from another table. I have a table which contains records of an employee's schedule. Each record contains a single incident of a date and time for 1 employee: Fields are: ScheduleID = unique record identifier ScheduleName = identifies the schedule ScheduleLine = identifies the […] |
SSIS - runaway queries after converting - (Not sure if this is the right forum, if not: mods please move). I'm converting our data warehouse from SQL 2012 to 2017. Once I increased the database compatibility to 2017, a number of my queries are now runaways -- queries that take a few minutes when running through a query window will take hours […] |
Concatting in variable - I don't really understand the following issue. I can fix it by adding the Sorting in the subquery itself, however why does this not work? I have a table which contains 3 rows (NL,BE,US). I want to concat those in 1 variable called @Output. When the bit @StartWithNL = 1, it should always start with […] |
VIEW SERVER STATE privilege for a stored procedure - I have a logging stored procedure that need to perform SELECTs from sys.dm_exec_connections and sys.dm_exec_sessions. To do so, the principal requires VIEW SERVER STATE privilege. Obviously, I do not want to grant every user which would execute the stored procedure VIEW SERVER STATE privilege. The stored proc is compile under the SA account. Yet, unless […] |
Replicate data of tables fromSQL Server to Postgres SQL - Hi all, We need to replicate data from SQL Server to Postgres SQL database for limited tables. We created a linked server on SQL Server and we are able to insert data from one table of SQL Server to postgres Table using Insert statement below. INSERT INTO TEST_POSTGRES.testdb.[public].courtcase_casetype( casetype, status) SELECT CaseType, Status FROM [dbo].[tblCaseType]; […] |
Exceptional Handling is not executing catch block - Below is the sample stored procedure and tale for error logging error table: CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ErrorLog]( [ErrorID] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [LogDate] [datetime] NULL DEFAULT (getdate()), [ErrorProcedure] [varchar](100) NULL, [ErrorLine] [int] NULL, [ErrorDescription] [varchar](4000) NULL, [Parameter Details] [varchar](4000) NULL, ) sp for error log : CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spInsertErrors] @ParamDetails varchar(4000) = null AS BEGIN SET […] |
Automate Master Data Management (MDM), replicate master data to different source - I want to gather master data from different sources (Oracle/DB2/MySQL/SQL Server etc.) and then merge in central database then replicate data back to its subscribers automatically. Is there any way using MDM or SQL Server Replication to publish specific Tables/Columns to different data sources? I know about MDM little, which is difficult to implement, it […] |
Log shipping from different versions - Hello, Is it possible to create log shipping from sql server version 2008R2 to SQL Server version 2016? thanks in advance! |
Use constraints to determine to execute either an insert or an update (re-post) - Hello, I would like to use either a Unique Constrain or Check Constrain to determine if an insert should be executed or if an update should be is the pseudo code of scenario: I have a table named Foo with the following columns: User_Name, Visit_Number The UserName column captures the user name, and the […] |
import backup from database miroring to ALWAYSON - Good evening everyone I have a backup of a database configured in mirroirng I have to use this backup for the imported in an alwayson configuration Should you remove the mirroring on this base and make another backup before importing it into the alawayson thank you for your advice |
Cant Connect to SSRS URL and Also Not to MySQL PHPMYAdmin - Can Somebody please Assist? I cant connect to SSRS URL ad also not to phpmyadmin. |
SQL Capacity planning - Hi, I am assigned to migrate the databases from SQL Standard 2012 /2014 to SQL Enterprise 2016. Around 20 production databases with different database sizes comes all togther 500gb. In these 20 dbs only 3 databases are having maximum IO. In these 3 dbs one is around 300gb and other 2 dbs are 100gb and […] |