WHAT'S MINE IS ORE, APPARENTLY According to The Guardian, BHP is preparing to destroy between 40 and 86 historic Aboriginal sites — including 10,000-15,000 year-old rock shelters and surrounding evidence of 40,000 years of ongoing occupation — in the central Pilbara in order to expand its $4.5 billion South Flank iron ore mine. Western Australian Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Ben Wyatt approved the expansion plan on May 29, just three days after Rio Tinto destroyed the historic Juukan Gorge, but has very kindly asked BHP to “cooperate on management [of] changed circumstances”. Lest there be any “misunderstanding” over whether or not First Nations people want to see their culturally and historically irreplaceable sites destroyed, Banjima native title holders have explicitly called on BHP to protect all 86 archaeological sites. ADANI STILL ON: In more not-great news for native title holders, The Sydney Morning Herald reports that Adani has, since November last year, secured insurance from Liberty International Underwriters, HDI, XL Australia and Aspen for construction work on the Carmichael mine. |