Wealth Creation Investing

Below is an important message from one of our highly valued sponsors. Please read it carefully as they have some special information to share with you.

Dear Investor,

Jim Rickards here…

And I’m sure you know that I’ve spent 40 years making successful financial forecasts.

All the success in my career is based on my ability to spot the next moves of the central bankers.

I’ve written numerous bestselling books, including The Death of Money and Currency Wars.

I’ve worked at the highest levels of the finance and intelligence communities…

I’ve been inside the secure meeting rooms, called vaults inside of the Pentagon and the CIA.

I’ve been inside the West Wing of the White House.

I’ve been inside the U.S. Treasury and talked to Tim Geithner.

I’ve been inside the boardroom at the Federal Reserve and I’ve personally had conversations with Ben Bernanke.

All my work has pointed to a dire financial forecast, which could play out as soon as Dec. 13, 2022…

And I’m sorry to say, most economic forecasters are looking in the entirely wrong direction…

They’re keeping an eye on the Federal Reserve, when the real move will come from somewhere else…

Specifically, I’m looking at President Joe Biden’s recent Executive Order #14067.

The consequences of this order could be enormous…

And the threat to your money will make the recent inflation we’ve seen pale in comparison.

I just recorded a free public warning, where I go through what Biden’s new Executive Order means for you, and for America.

Remember: We don’t have much time to prepare. This threat is real. And it could accelerate on Dec. 13, 2022.

Go here now to view my new public warning.


Jim Rickards
Publisher, Paradigm Press

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