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Biden meets with Senate GOP on scaled-back aid package
President Biden held a two-hour meeting Monday with a group of 10 Republican senators who proposed a slimmed-down coronavirus relief plan that they say can win bipartisan support. The panel discusses.
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House member launches effort to challenge Trump wing of GOP
Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., was one of the 10 House GOP members who voted to impeach former President Trump, and he has launched a PAC to support anti-Trump Republicans. Rep. Kinzinger joins Morning Joe to discuss.
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Congressman calls out GOP 'cowards' unwilling to rebuke House member
Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney, D-NY, discusses a resolution to strip Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of her committee assignments. Rep. Maloney also discusses why he says many Republicans won't speak out against Rep. Taylor Greene.
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Production ramping up for over-the-counter coronavirus test
The Biden administration announced a $230 million deal to ramp up production of the country's first over-the-counter, at-home Covid-19 test.
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Rep. Ocasio-Cortez describes traumatic experience at Capitol riot
Kendi: Community of writers writes the history of a community in new book
'All they want is data': Writer calls for democratic information civilization
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