Cancer Health Email Update
Biden Prioritizes Ending Cancer as We Know It in 2023 State of the Union
Biden outlined several strategies to reduce the cancer burden, including improved access to affordable, comprehensive health coverage.
UV Nail Polish Dryers May Increase Skin Cancer Risk

But regular users of UV dryers can take these precautions to lower their risk for cancers on the hand.

Melanoma at 33: A Testament to the Importance of Early Detection
After skin cancer surgery, Matthew Ruiz completed a process known as Total Body Photography to track any changes over time.
What is body mass index (BMI)?
BMI may not be the best way to assess health risks linked to excess weight.
World Traveler Books University of Colorado for Pancreatic Cancer Journey
Luck, attitude and expertise add up to success for this Boulder businesswoman and pancreatic cancer patient.
Cancer Health now offers individual newsletters for people interested in specific cancer types. Get the latest cancer news tailored to your needs and interests delivered to your inbox. To update your preferences and start getting cancer-specific newsletters, please visit your personal preferences page.
Some States May Allow Nurses to Do More Without Doctors
There is a shortage of doctors, including primary care doctors, in the United States.
Why Do Certain Populations Never Screen for Colorectal Cancer?

Colorectal screening goals have yet to be met and may be difficult to meet, according to CDC report findings.

The New Issue of Cancer Health!

The Winter 2023 issue of Cancer Health is out. Click here to read all the content as it appears in print, including the cover story on AJ Patel, who learned to conquer fear when he was diagnosed with metastatic lung cancer.

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