September 27, 2021
How Joe Biden Can Reverse His Incredible Shrinking Presidency
Congressional Democrats are breaking the president’s promise of an FDR-size presidency. It’s time for him to take his case back to the public.
by Alex Shephard
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As anti-vax plaintiffs seek faith-based exemptions, the judicial system will renew its struggle to determine what beliefs are truly “sincerely held.”
by Charles McCrary
Typically, Democratic bills that help working people throw a bone to corporate America. But this bill is different. From Biden on down, Democrats need to say that.
by Faiz Shakir
How people respond to fossil fuels sometimes has less to do with politics than a sense of inevitability.
by Audrey Gray


After weeks of posturing, the party needs to come home, pass the Biden agenda, and honor its commitments to voters.
by Michael Tomasky
The party has been feuding over several big bills. If they don’t pass, you can kiss Congress—and probably the White House—goodbye.
by Jason Linkins
Playing Tadzio in Luchino Visconti’s film made Björn Andrésen a star at 15 years old. He spent the next 50 years struggling with the fallout.
by Jo Livingstone
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