Plus, how Trump's holdovers are hurting Biden's plans, and more...
April 29, 2021
Joe Biden’s Bold Defense of American Democracy
In his first joint address to Congress, the president spoke out against the forces that threaten democratic values. That may be what defines his legacy.
By Walter Shapiro
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Fox News’s prime-time star has long been a dull racist. Why is the mainstream media only realizing it now?
By Matt Ford
In the Biden era, the Reaganite consensus is finally breaking down.
By Ganesh Sitaraman


In his first 100 days, the president still hasn’t cleared his predecessor’s cronies out of the executive branch, where they’re free to sabotage his presidency.
By Eleanor Eagan
Activists were pleasantly surprised by some of Biden’s initial steps. But to forestall catastrophe, climate policy has to aim higher.
By Kate Aronoff


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