Plus, why troops leading the vaccination effort isn't good, and more...
March 2, 2021
Why Are Troops Leading the Vaccination Effort?

America’s armed forces are stepping in for the dismantled state.

By Alex Pareene


The Supreme Court Case That Lays Bare Puerto Ricans’ “Second-Class Citizenship” Why are residents of the island commonwealth denied certain federal benefits that are given to U.S. citizens nearly everywhere else? The justices have decided to take up that question.By Matt Ford
This Is How Sex Workers Win The mainstreaming of “sex work is work” and strong decriminalization policy proposals are signs of the movement’s success. What comes next?By Melissa Gira Grant
Biden’s Support for Unionizing Amazon Is a BFD A union election is underway at the company’s warehouse in Bessemer, Alabama—and the president made clear where he stands.By Timothy Noah


Is Merrick Garland Really the Right Man for the Job? He’s certainly qualified to be Biden’s attorney general—but that doesn’t mean he’ll do what’s necessary to prosecute Trump-era abuses and reform the Justice Department.By Ankush Khardori
James Weldon Johnson’s Ode to the “Deep River” of American History What an old poem says about the search for justice following the Capitol riotBy David W. Blight
Trump Renews His Vows With the Republican Party At CPAC, the ex-president showed he has no intention of quitting the GOP. But are party insiders and conservative activists equally committed?By Osita Nwanevu


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