Biden sweeps all 7 presidential primaries, nears 1,991 delegates needed
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Wednesday, June 3, 2020
Biden sweeps all 7 presidential primaries, nears 1,991 delegates needed
Biden could lock down the nomination within the next week as West Virginia and Georgia hold primaries.
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PHOTOS: 5th night of protests in D.C., demonstrators demanding justice for George Floyd
Protesters took to the streets of D.C. for a fifth night in a row on Tuesday.
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D.C. voters see long lines at the polls in election complicated by 7 p.m. curfew, pandemic
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the District's usual 144 precincts did not open, but any city resident was allowed to vote at any of the 20 centers.
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Prince George's County police suspends 3 officers for excessive use of force
Prince George's County Police Department announced it will be launching an investigation.
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U.S. Park Police deny using tear gas at protest, only used 'smoke canisters, pepper balls'
Journalists covering the protest reported the crowd was largely peaceful at the time; the Park Police said they were responding to protesters throwing items, including bricks and frozen water bottles at law enforcement.
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New study shows D.C. sidewalks are not properly equipped for 6-feet social distancing
Not only are the sidewalks here in Foggy Bottom not equipped for social distancing practices, but pretty much the entire city has sidewalks that are too narrow.
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Gaining weight during the COVID-19 pandemic? You're not alone.
It just makes sense. We've been home for nearly three months, working, cooking, eating, and snacking. The kitchen is just steps away from the office.
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