The best conference possible at the right time

Dear Reader,

The months and weeks leading up to the SIC are always emotional for me.

The excitement of booking new faculty and the challenge of blending the right information so that it all comes together at the right time requires an enormous amount of preparation.

The goal is always to bring you the best conference possible at the right time. And SIC 2024 will clearly be our best conference ever.

Just when you think it can’t get any better, it does get better. 

It is my pleasure to announce that we’ve booked billionaire investor Mario Gabelli as one of our incredible speakers for SIC 2024.

Mario is a sharp, prolific, and insightful man to talk to about markets and where they could trend from here.

He is the chairman and CEO of GAMCO Investors, Inc., and will bring decades of knowledge, experience, and wisdom to the conference. 

Mario Gabelli’s investing strategy started “going global” after the fall of the Berlin Wall and Tiananmen Square. 

Throughout Mario’s career, he’s made some incredible investments… 

Including New York broadcasting company Capital Cities, which was eventually acquired by Disney… and my favorite, buying Berkshire Hathaway when it was trading at $3,000.

Many sectors are at nosebleed-high valuations right now, and we’re going to discuss valuations in the context of how you can make smarter decisions moving forward at these sky-high multiples.

You can still join us for the SIC with full access to videos, transcripts, speaker slides, and more.

Watch it live or watch the recordings later, as many times as you want, from the comfort of your own home or office.

Add the session with Mario to your calendar. You won't want to miss it!

Right now, we’re offering an early-bird discount for early attendees. Click here to reserve your SIC 2024 virtual pass now!

Your confident in a better world on the other side of the storm analyst,

John Mauldin
Co-Founder, Mauldin Economics

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