We’re headed back to court — all donations matched to fund the fight for Net Neutrality.


Double your impact in our fight to save the internet.

Dear Friend,

I know how busy this time of year is, but we’ve had some major developments in our fight for Net Neutrality and I wanted to make sure you were among the first to know.

On Friday, we filed a request with the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals asking the judges there to reconsider our case. We think this is one of our biggest opportunities to stand up for Net Neutrality and we need your help to keep fighting for our day in court (again).

We know the road ahead is long. But this fight is at the very core of our democracy. It’s the bedrock of our most critical social justice movements — including the fights for racial and economic justice.

When the Trump FCC tore away strong Net Neutrality rules, it also torched the legal foundation for all FCC rules supposed to protect broadband competition, promote internet affordability, and preserve privacy and public safety. Which is why we need your support, Friend. And thanks to a generous donor, every donation will be matched, dollar for dollar, now through midnight on December 31.

Another big thing happened last week: On Tuesday, Senator Markey (D-MA) and other champions asked for unanimous consent in the Senate to pass the Save the Internet Act — which would restore the real Net Neutrality rules and internet protections that Trump’s FCC destroyed 2 years ago. Unfortunately, that request was struck down thanks to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

We expected this. We know that the do-nothing Senate will obstruct every good idea, including this one. We planned for it. And in the new year we’ll work with Sen. Markey and other congressional leaders to keep the fight going in Washington. We’ll also work to pass and uphold state bills.

But the court fight over these crucial communications rights at the federal level is equally essential. Can you fuel our work by making a tax-deductible gift now? Because of the match, if you give $50, that’s $100 to Free Press. $100 is $200.

People like Donald Trump and Senator McConnell think people like you and I will give up. That we’ll get so tired of fighting them on every front that we’ll just relent. Well, I’m not going to relent, Friend, and I know you won’t either. Want to do something that will really make Trump and his cronies mad? Donate to Free Press today and fuel our fight for the free and open internet people deserve.

Thanks for all that you do,


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