Big Tech backs Fed’s real time payments plan, SWIFT gpi gains share, Ticket resellers $35B pain



December 18, 2018

Disbursements Tracker™

Secondary Ticket Disbursements’ $35B Risk

Secondary ticket sales for live events bring in more than $35 billion annually. Most of those funds, though, need to be disbursed back to the consumers who sold them — a process rife with roadblocks and challenges, which often leaves all parties in the dark regarding with whom they’re dealing. According to Stephen Glicken, CEO and co-founder of Project Admission, this results in safety risks and payment delays. In the latest Disbursements Tracker, Glicken explains how the company is working to give ticket disbursements a speed and security boost.



Mileage Reimbursement

Motus On Mapping Mileage Reimbursement

Tax season looms, and firms would do well to examine the latest standard mileage rates published by the IRS — and more. Motus’ Chief Legal Officer Danielle Lackey steers PYMNTS to the questions that must be asked and answered, along a journey toward compliance (and corporate strategies) tied to reimbursement policies, aided by tech-driven analytics.



Retail Tech

Visa: ‘Time As The New Coupon’ Will Drive Retail In 2019

While retail doom and gloom predictions are in abundant supply these days, Visa’s Global Head of Innovation and Design Mark Jamison tells Karen Webster that the pessimism is way overblown. The bigger story is the mainstreaming of omnicommerce into the standard for commerce, and the explosion of voice and AI — both powered by consumers who value secure and seamless commerce above all. Time is the new coupon for an emerging class of shoppers, and rapidly developing and igniting retail technology is the future of delivering up more for customers.



Socure Digital Identity Capsule

Two Thirds Of Patients Use Passwords For Healthcare Authentication: Why?

More than 72 percent of healthcare patients still authenticate with email and passwords, while fewer than 4 percent prefer methods like biometrics. In the latest Socure Digital Identity Lifestyle Capsule, PYMNTS analyzes over 300 data points to examine how consumers access their healthcare accounts, and what healthcare providers can do to add better, more friction-free security.




What's Hot

SWIFT gpi Used For More Than Half Of Cross-Border Traffic

Big Tech Backs Fed’s Real-Time Payments Plan

France To Move Ahead With Tech Tax In January

UBS Fined $14.5M For Violating Bank Secrecy Act

Hackers Unlock Phones Via 3D Printing

BMW Launches Ride-Hailing Service In China

Google Assistant Predicts Flight Delays

Rising Interest Rates Put Dent In Small Bank Deposits

Wearables To Reach 125.3M Units By Year-End

Apple Woos Tesla Designer, Sparking Rumors Of Self-Driving Cars

Best Of Yesterday 

Did Payments 2018 Predictions Come True?

Workforce Solutions Give Charter Schools A Spending Lesson


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