Big vote in the U.S. House
Free Press Action

We need your help, Friend.

This week is Comcast’s worst nightmare: The full U.S. House is voting on the Save the Internet Act, a bill that would reverse Ajit Pai’s disastrous repeal of the open-internet rules.

This bill is everything we’ve been fighting for!

Could you pitch in to make sure we win this historic Net Neutrality vote?

Here’s the breakdown: Thanks to your activism, Rep. Ted Lieu is already signed on as a co-sponsor along with more than 200 other reps — despite naysayers saying we wouldn’t reach even half that.

Now we need about 20 more representatives to vote “yes” and move the Save the Internet Act forward to the Senate.

That means we need a MASSIVE effort this week.

Are you able to chip in $5 to help us mobilize visits, phone calls and outreach to lawmakers around the country?

With your help, we can make sure every representative’s office knows the world is watching — and a vote for the Save the Internet Act is a vote for the right side of history.

When our grandkids look back at 2019, they’ll want to know who was trying to destroy the internet — and who was fighting for digital civil rights.

You’ve been pushing hard for what’s right. Help us get Congress there too!

Thanks for all that you do,

Collette, Carrie, Dutch and the rest of the Free Press Action team

P.S. We need all hands on deck to win the vote in the House. Pitch in $5 now to bring us one step closer to strong, permanent Net Neutrality protections.

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