December 9, 2023
Dear Valued Reader,

After the best month in ages for the stock market, December started out, well, OK... thanks to Friday, things were up slightly on the week.  So where are our future riches coming from?  What wild promises have been sold to us in the week that was?  Let me catch you up on anything you missed...

We started the week in the oil patch, looking into Keith Kohl's pitch about a technology that's going to be even bigger than fracking!  Got your lucky horseshoe at hand?  Just click below to...

John Jagerson here…I'm an analyst here at TradeSmith and I want to share with you the results of an unusual experiment we just ran on our newest A.I. powered investment tool called An-E (pronounced Annie)…Short for Analytics Engine. An-E has the remarkable ability to predict the price of over 3,000 stocks...30 days into the future. Recently, I went to Wall Street to put An-E to the ultimate test. You can see the surprising results right here.


After that we had a "quickie" solution for you, answering questions about Porter Stansberry's picks and shovels play for online gambling.

And then a long one, looking into the several stocks Ian King teases for his "AI Energy" pitch -- all about fusion energy, big data, and AI hardware and software. 

Friday was a gambling-focused follow-up for my favorite people, looking into that cash-gusher of a business and buying some shares... why?  What?  Just click below for the details...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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