May 28, 2019
Dear Valued Reader,

I always like to try to follow up with readers when there's an "URGENT" ad that people start asking about... who knows when that urgency (often quite false urgency) turns into spending a nonrefundable $2,000 you can't afford on a newsletter that's making a misleading promise?  So that's why we're looking at Ray Blanco's latest pitch -- he says that at 5pm today there will be an announcement that changes medicine forever, heralds "no more diseases" and gives you a chance to amass millions.  So strap on that fanny pack full of skepticism and join us in exploring this pitch, just click below to...

Are we in a bear market?  Some Wall Street big wigs like Morgan Stanley and bond king Jeff Gundlach think we are. The truth is, we don’t know. But in every bear market, there are always a handful of stocks that buck the trend.  I mean they actually grow FASTER as the rest of the market slows down. There should be a handful of stocks that will not only survive the next recession ... they’ll actually thrive. Click here to learn about 8 stocks that should GROW as the economy SLOWS!


Miss anything in the pages of Gumshoe last week?  Let me catch you up...

The most popular article on the week, was the quickie I put out on Friday -- a solution to the continuing oft-teased pitch from the Motley Fool about their "next home run" stock (or, in the updated version, the next "grand slam" stock... must be baseball season).  So what is it they're teasing?  Thinkolator answers arejust a click away.

We started out the week, back in those halcyon days before the Trade War and Huawei added an extra level of freak-out to the markets, by looking for the "productivity supercharger" stock teased by Nova-X Report... curious?  See what we found here.

I also took a look at yet another "the check's in the mail" pitch -- this time from Ian Wyatt about "Retirement Royalty Checks" that you can earn as soon as this week,, he says he's expecting a check for $2,363 any day now... so what's he talking about?  Thinkolator answers and some examples of past "checks" here.

And I couldn't resist digging into a "death of silicon solar cells" pitch from the Oilprice.com folks -- this one might sound a little familiar to those who've been aboard the good ship Gumshoe for a while, but the stock they teased with a similar ad back in 2016 doesn't exist any more... so what are they teasing now?  They say "This Under $3 Stock Will Unleash the Greatest Leap in the History of Electricity"... and that's almost certainy balderdash, but we still want to know what the stock is -- and now we do.

Want to know what the second most popular story on the site was this week?  That was the solution to another 5G teaser, this one from Jeff Brown, who rented a hall at Yale University for some reason as he presented his tease about the "device every American will need to buy this year" for 5G.  Oooh, what could it be?   Join in the answer-y fun here.

Finally, we hit good ol' Friday -- my favorite day, as I do my Friday File brain-dump of all the thinking I'm doing about my portfolio and my investing strategy, and sometimes throw some extra goodies in that come to mind during the week.  This week it's all about India, 5G, a few stocks I sold, and well, you can see it all by clicking below...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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