Plus, the White House's Exxon problem, and more...

July 6, 2021
How Bad Was Bill Barr?
Legal pundits have failed to pinpoint the greatest problems with the former attorney general.
by Ankush Khardori


The big box retailer has found a way to monetize the nation’s desperation.
by Natalie Shure
Biden says he wants to restore faith in the U.S. government, but he’s slow-footing the reforms that would end the destructive crackdown practices of his predecessors.
by Zena Wolf
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Our writers and editors are fighting for a fairer world—but they need your help. Here’s a special summer offer to subscribe to The New Republic.
—Ryan Kearney, executive editor
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The White House has remained conspicuously silent on a blockbuster report from Unearthed which suggested the oil company helped excise climate policy from the infrastructure package.
by Kate Aronoff
The war veteran turned politician, who hopes to challenge Marjorie Taylor Greene, has revealed little about his life. We tried to find out why.
by Jacob Silverman
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