Dear Friend, 

As most know, if you’re charged with a crime and can’t afford a lawyer, one will be appointed to defend you. But if you’re one of Trump’s cronies, you get a little more for your money. 

TNR’s Matt Ford explained the process: “If you’re a close political ally of President Donald Trump, you also get a second team of attorneys who will take up your cause … the Justice Department.” 

Trump’s obsession with blaming President Obama is well documented. By dropping charges against Gen. Michael Flynn, Bill Barr’s Justice Department has clearly joined the cause. Ford reported what mainstream media has failed to grasp: “By making this dubious case, the Barr Justice Department moves away from advocating on behalf of Trump’s political allies and toward attacking Trump’s political adversaries.” If you’re looking for honest, fearless journalism, we have a special offer:  

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Barr is attempting to “wipe away the Russia investigation,” Ford notes. He has already moved to keep Paul Manafort out of Rikers Island jail while awaiting trial in New York, and he overrode sentencing recommendations for Roger Stone. 

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According to Ford, “Barr and his team are quickly running out of Trumpworld figures on whose behalf they can intervene.” In discussing his own investigation of the Russia investigation in a Fox news interview, Barr said, “There was something far more troubling here; and we’re going to get to the bottom of it.”

Please consider joining Matt Ford and the best investigative reporters, opinion writers, and cultural critics in America. Subscribe to The New Republic today.


Kerrie Gillis, Publisher

Read “A Presumption of Flynnocence” here.
Stuck at Home Special: 3 Months for $5
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