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Plus, how life might look post-pandemic, and more...
December 16, 2020
Bill Barr Will Go Down in History as Trump’s Worst Enabler

The attorney general could not deliver the corrupt boons the president sought, but it was not for want of trying.

By Matt Ford


How Pandemics End TNR Podcast: The first Covid-19 vaccines have arrived. But when will life as we knew it finally resume?
Podcast hosted by Laura Marsh and Alex Pareene
Death to the Negative Restaurant Review What critics’ obsession with the vicious takedown says about the current state of food journalism
By Theodore Gioia


The Climate Fight Needs Both Technocrats and FirebrandsA two-pronged approach can help the planet now while building the necessary voter support for major change in the future.
By Kate Aronoff
Why Can’t the SEC Just Agree That Bribing Foreign Governments Is Bad?Instead, it’s scheduled to gut a rule forcing companies to disclose those bribes.
By Ian J. Lynch
Steve McQueen and the Art of GatheringThe director’s “Small Axe” anthology intimately portrays Black spaces.
By Jennifer Wilson


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