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After years of allegations, Bill Cosby was convicted of aggravated indecent assault Thursday. In Washington, Mike Pompeo had a surprisingly smooth confirmation vote as secretary of state. And while technology has made it easier for teenagers to cause trouble for everyone else, it's also allowed us to make a better French fry. —Josh Petri


“They have a witch hunt against the president of the U.S. going on,” Trump said Thursday on the “Fox and Friends” morning program. “I’ve taken the position—and I don’t have to take this position and maybe I’ll change—that I will not be involved with the Justice Department. I will wait until this is over. It’s a total—it’s all lies and it’s a horrible thing that’s going on.”

Here are today's top stories...

The company responsible for the Model T, the Thunderbird and the Mustang is about to abandon the American car business almost entirely. Just two years from now, a mere 10 percent of the vehicles rolling off Ford assembly lines and into North American showrooms will be sedans and sports cars like the Taurus or Mustang. The rest will be more lucrative pickups, SUVs and commercial vehicles.


As Russia limps out of the longest recession of Vladimir Putin’s 18-year rule, almost four of every 10 families there still struggles to afford food and clothing, according to a new survey. More and more Russians are taking second jobs to stay afloat. Some are driving Ubers. Some are mining Bitcoin in Siberia. Others are trying their luck at day-trading


The U.S. Senate confirmed CIA Director Mike Pompeo to be secretary of state after weeks of heated debate that was as much about growing discord over the Trump administration’s handling of diplomacy as it was about the nominee himself. The vote was 57-42.


A former federal judge will get the first look at Michael Cohen's seized files. Barbara Jones presided over white-collar crime trials, including that of convicted WorldCom chief Bernie Ebbers, and oversaw the arbitration of NFL running back Ray Rice.


The next 9 days will teach us a lot about the U.S. economy. Federal Reserve officials have spent the past decade coaxing a recession-torn America back to economic health. The week ahead could finally clinch it


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Here's just a small sampling of things that have happened on YouTube recently. PewDiePie, a Swedish comedian, made an off-color joke about Nazis. A series of investigations showed how the company’s algorithms were serving up bizarre, grotesque videos to young children. After several mass shootings, conspiracy theorists flooded YouTube with videos falsely claiming that gun control activists had staged the massacres. And we haven't even mentioned Logan Paul yet. But it seems no one can stop watching.


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