The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is consulting on the availability of substitutes and alternatives to 3-iodo-2-propynylbutylcarbamate The EU Biocidal Products Regulation (EU BPR) applies in NI. If an active substance meets the substitution criteria set out in Article 10(1), it will be considered as a candidate for substitution. This means that the supply and use of biocidal products containing candidates for substitution must be prohibited or restricted under EU BPR, unless all the following conditions can be shown: - for the uses specified for that product, there are no other authorised biocidal products or existing non-chemical control or prevention methods that:
- present a significantly lower overall risk for human health, animal health and the environment
- are sufficiently effective
- present no other significant economic or practical disadvantages
- the chemical diversity of the available active substances is not adequate to minimise the occurrence of resistance in the target harmful organism
The following active substance has been identified as a potential candidate for substitution under EU BPR and ECHA has launched a public consultation to collect information on the availability of substitutes and alternatives, running until the stated date: - 3-Iodo-2-propynylbutylcarbamate (CAS 55406-53-6 EC 259-627-5) in product type 10
20 January 2025
Comments should be submitted to ECHA using the dedicated webforms. This consultation and its outcome is not applicable under the GB Biocidal Products Regulations. |