Hello Humble Bitcoiners!

Bitcoin is a fraction of the size of other asset classes. Bitcoin's market cap rises as it takes value from other addressable markets. 💰

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📝 Today's Rundown
  • ♻️ Renewable Mining: A renewable energy mix of solar, wind and hydropower will improve bitcoin mining profitability while helping efforts to combat climate change.
  • 🎮 Play To Earn: Life is one game after another, and just because bitcoin is sound money doesn’t mean it is any different.
  • 💻 Optimizing Mining: A renewable energy mix of solar, wind and hydropower will improve bitcoin mining profitability while helping efforts to combat climate change.
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♻️ Renewable Mining

In Remote Northeast Ireland, This Bitcoin Miner Is Turning Biogas Into Sats
By John Quigley

In a remote area to the northeast corner of Ireland lies a small mining operation that is clear proof of how Bitcoin can create value from otherwise wasted energy sources. On a picturesque farm in Armagh, 35 latest-gen mining machines are validating transactions and securing the Bitcoin network out of the excess energy that the power source cannot sell to the grid.

Scilling Mining is the one leading the charge on this proof. They are revolutionizing the synergy between the bitcoin mining industry and the energy sector. The efforts of Scilling Mining have certainly alleviated the pain of the energy sector in Northern Ireland by becoming the buyers of last resort of otherwise wasted methane and carbon dioxide while, at the same time, validating, bundling and appending transactions to the Bitcoin blockchain.

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🎮 Play To Earn

Gaming To Earn Bitcoin While Bitcoining To Game Earning
By Tyler Parks

Some might say money is a game — like any other game out there, it has a variety of rules and objectives. Perhaps not everyone would agree with this statement, as it isn't a voluntary one. We were born into this "game" of which the rules were never explained. 

In this piece, the author draws parallels between money, and bitcoin as a game. A main difference is the fact that bitcoin is completely voluntary, a network consensus which depends on clear and unambiguous rules. This is something that humanity isn't accustomed to as we have always seen the elite having complete control of the decision making process of our local currencies issuance and movements.

This article is a call for us to take an active role in our education as a participant of the world's economy in order to take our skills to the next level. For the first time we have money which is provably scarce, and it is time for us to gamify the accumulation and protection of this scarce resource.

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1. After the first day of Bitcoin Amsterdam, it’s clear that Bitcoiners remain optimistic and convicted despite global economic turmoil. 

2. Kazakhstan seeks to establish clearer guidelines for mining, taxes and licensing for service providers such as exchanges in the region.

3. Why is this British isle adopting bitcoin, and what could this mean for the U.K.’s monetary future?

4. The change in mindset and framing induced by learning about Bitcoin mirrors a psychedelic experience.

5. Information is already free on the internet and students can get an excellent education by focusing on Bitcoin with a group of like-minded peers.

6. Central banks are trying to keep yields from exploding higher while they hike rates to fight inflation. Who will step in to buy bonds in current conditions?

7. Markets await the highly anticipated September consumer price index data release. A higher CPI could easily take yields higher and risk assets lower.

8. U.S. CPI hit a 40-year high in September, while all-items inflation exceeded expectations at 8.2%. Bitcoin fell to $18,100.

9. The former Member of the European Parliament drew parallels between leading a “political insurgency” with Brexit and the opposition Bitcoin experiences today.

💻 Optimizing Mining

A Shift To Renewables Will Optimize Bitcoin Mining
By Jerry Usman

It’s a known fact that Bitcoin’s growing energy consumption has drawn criticism from environmentalists. However, what mainstream media does not portrait is that Bitcoin mining is one of the greenest industries in the world.

According to the Bitcoin Mining Council’s 2022 report, 59.5% of the total bitcoin mining global energy comes from renewable sources. The Bitcoin network has achieved a more green power mix than Germany.

It makes sense and it is obvious — Bitcoin miners are directly incentivized to constantly search for cheaper energy sources and innovate in more efficient practices to avoid any sort of wasted energy. It gets reflected in their profitability.

But is Bitcoin green now? Certainly not, but it is showing good signs of progress. Nevertheless, Bitcoin mining is the proof of concept on how a renewable energy mix of solar, wind and hydropower can improve profitability while combating climate change.

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Some people say that taxation isn't theft. But I don't remember consenting to paying taxes. Do we voluntarily file taxes every year? Or are we in a position of threat?

Stack harder,
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