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September 27, 2022
In The Spotlight
Biogen was accused of paying millions of dollars a year in kickbacks to doctors to get them to prescribe its drug Avonex, whose sales were declining, and its new treatment, called Tysabri.
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Scotland-born Jope, who this year came under fierce criticism from investor activists over a failed takeover bid, will depart Unilever after five years as CEO and nearly four decades at the company, a statement said.
Empowerment is on display in every level of the organization.
IndustryWeek editors look into those stories and Intel investments in accessible suppliers and funding industrial insects.
How Massachusetts’ schools are filling the knowledge gap through a comprehensive education system.
Unfortunately, corruption levels remain at a standstill worldwide, with 86% of countries making little to no progress in the last 10 years.

Manufacturers are facing an expansive labor shortage, prolonged supply chain constraints, and a job seekers market. Attend this webinar to gain a deep understanding of what’s driving the labor shortage and learn how to effectively manage these complexities.