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Chile extends Idemia contract to supply and support digital ID documents by a year
A contract held by Idemia in Chile to help upgrade the country’s civil registry is being extended by a year .. read the full report here

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Biometric Update Daily News
Shufti shows ID document fraud increase, Onfido warns of tighter regulations
Growing fraud risk is no surprise to anyone around the digital identity landscape, but Shufti Pro’s findings that identity document...
Compliance win announced by NtechLab after iBeta presentation attack test
A Russian biometrics firm’s software has passed the level two presentation attack detection test established by iBeta. Passive liveness testing...
IAM and biometrics providers partner up to secure enterprise applications
Digital identity and access management providers are partnering up to help secure enterprise assets and eliminate passwords. Privy and Okta,...
Another big win for BIPA plaintiffs: Each biometric scan is actionable
Every biometric scan performed in Illinois by a private entity counts as a separate illegal act if it does not...
Age verification for porn access supported across UK electorate, finds poll
A survey for right-leaning TV news channel GB News finds that 78 percent of the British public support age verification...
Precise touts access control biometrics and digital identity gains in year-end results
Net sales for Precise Biometrics grew by 7.7 million Swedish Kronor (approximately US$730,00) to SEK 91 million ($8.67 million) for...
BioID shares PAD research amid increase in digital injection attacks found by iProov
German biometric solutions provider BioID GmbH has shared new information about its presentation attack detection (PAD) solution that checks the...
Socure plans to ‘eliminate synthetic identities’ from US finance
New York-based digital ID solution provider Socure has shared plans to first remove 100,000 synthetic identities from the U.S. financial...
Face biometrics in US schools getting more attention and funding
It seems long ago when the prevailing sentiment in the United States was that facial recognition surveillance had no place...
Facial recognition helps identify 144 children rescued from Turkey earthquake rubble
Facial recognition technology has so far helped identify 144 children rescued from the rubble of the earthquakes in south-eastern Turkey,...
Securiport sponsors Notre Dame pulse biometrics presentation at Biosignals
U.S. civil aviation security company Securiport has announced it is sponsoring a University of Notre Dame researcher to present his...
Judge keeps biometric data privacy lawsuit against Jumio alive ‘for now’
A U.S. district court judge has declined to dismiss a biometric data privacy lawsuit against Jumio, but acknowledged that the...
Digital ID firms close two seeds and a series B funding round. One of them is a giant
The pipeline for early investments in biometric identity companies is nothing to dismiss. While jumbo series C through E deals...
Chile extends Idemia contract to supply and support digital ID documents by a year
A contract held by Idemia in Chile to help upgrade the country’s civil registry is being extended by a year,...
Biometrics White Papers
January 2023 update to ISO/IEC standard 30107-3: How do changes affect development and testing?
In January of 2023, ISO/IEC published a new, second edition of the 30107-3 standard that replaces the earlier, first edition...
Mitigating demographic bias in facial presentation attack detection
Bias in AI-powered biometric algorithms can lead to unfair treatment of individuals in certain demographic groups based on their gender,...
The ultimate retail experience starts with facial recognition
As digital transformation sweeps across our society, bringing together the physical and virtual worlds, the retail space is changing in...
Improving the ATM experience with biometrics multi-factor authentication
ATMs in the U.S. and other parts of the world have generally validated the identity of bank customers with something...
Events and Webinars
Aviation Festival Asia 2023
  February 28, 2023 - March 1, 2023
Workshop on protection of biometric data under GDPR
  March 1, 2023
World Police Summit
  March 7, 2023 - March 9, 2023
7th Edition Connected Banking Summit East Africa
  March 7, 2023
GISEC 2023
  March 14, 2023 - March 16, 2023