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NEC, researchers collaborate on infant fingerprint scanner commercialization
The developer of a device for capturing infants’ fingerprint biometrics is working towards commercialization as one of its co-founders prepares to pitch at an event focused on Latin America .. keep reading this report here

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Biometric Update Daily News
The biometrics unicorn stampede has greatly dwindled
Financial reporter CBInsights has put out its third-quarter list of new unicorns globally, and it is safe to say that...
New patent for an old idea: showing shoppers custom advertising using biometrics
An analytics and security software maker has been awarded a U.S. patent for large AI-enabled LCD screens that display advertising...
What protects biometric data better than bloom filter or homomorphic encryption? Both
Protecting biometric templates from theft or leakage is one of the long-standing challenges facing the industry, but Amina Bassit of...
Scotland plans public engagement on digital identity system development
The Scottish government has introduced a new digital identity public engagement project. Joseph Walton, stakeholder and communications manager, made the...
Liberia’s elections biometrics bid process questioned, commission doubted
Liberia‘s biometric voter ID saga continues with the nation’s Liberty Party, headed by Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence, petitioning for the chair of...
Scientists say they’ve improved on emotion recognition from a person’s gait
Researchers continue to try to refine methods of reading a person’s mood from their gait biometrics, and the math gets...
Fingerprint sensor shipments boost Next Biometrics earnings amid market headwinds
Next Biometrics brought in revenue of 14.4 million Norwegian Kroner (approximately US$1.4 million) in the third quarter of its fiscal...
Daon to supply biometrics for bank services app in Philippines
Digital ID services firm Daon says its IdentityX biometric identity proofing and authentication platform will be deployed by digital bank...
Simprints continues hiring after largest ever grant – chief people and culture officer
UK nonprofit Simprints is on the hunt for a new member of its team. The appointee into the new role...
SecureAuth brings passwordless authentication expertise to IDSA
California-based SecureAuth is the latest member to join the Identity Defined Security Alliance to contribute its passwordless authentication capabilities to...
SingHealth runs facial recognition pilots for visitor management at hospitals
Singapore’s largest hospital group SingHealth has introduced biometric entry systems at two of its hospitals in a joint project with...
Digital identity and social media – the big picture
By Ingo Rübe, founder of KILT Protocol Digital identity on the internet is fundamentally broken. Our data is scattered across...
Gen Z and millennials adoption of face biometrics reaches 75 percent — report
Roughly four in 10 Americans use face biometrics with at least one app daily. The adoption rate for 18- to...
Socure unveils real-time bank account validation, public sector digital ID reseller deal
Socure has entered the payment risk market with new software for real-time validation of financial accounts. Called Account Intelligence, the...
Biometrics White Papers
Single-frame facial liveness detection: How it works to reduce user friction and abandonment
The ability to ascertain facial liveness from a single-image frame enables high-performance presentation attack detection without adding friction to the...
Biometrics are transforming the retail landscape
The retail experience has undergone profound shifts in the past decade. As consumers grew more comfortable making purchases online, they...
Better banking experiences start with strong authentication and face biometric
Banking should be easy and safe. Financial institutions need to meet increasing customer demand for accessibility and convenience while ensuring...
On-demand webinar – Human or machine: AI proves best at spotting biometric attacks
With large organizations processing millions of face checks monthly, one advantage of AI liveness detection is the reduced burden on...
Events and Webinars
Cybersecurity Leadership Summit 2022
  November 8, 2022 - November 10, 2022
Fintech Talents Europe (FTT)
  November 14, 2022 - November 15, 2022
Future Identity Festival 2022
  November 14, 2022 - November 15, 2022
International Face Performance Conference (IFPC) 2022
  November 15, 2022 - November 17, 2022
Next-Generation Cards 2022
  November 16, 2022 - November 17, 2022