Dear friends,

Our spring bird protection camps are now entering the second half – with part of our operations complete and new actions starting.


As of the day before yesterday, our large bird protection camp on Malta is now complete. For the past two weeks we have monitored the bird migration and documented the spring hunt for turtle dove and quail. This year the government bowed to pressure from the EU and banned the shooting of turtle dove due to the steep decline in numbers. Prior to the camp, CABS members were already active on the islands to tackle illegal trapping. By May 7th another team will be deployed to shut down the last active trapping sites and monitor the passage of honey buzzards.

A initial cautious summary of the Malta operation: the illegal shooting of protected species continues to decline and hunters largely adhere to the regulations. Nevertheless, the shooting of 15 protected species (including Marsh Harrier, Hoopoe and Stone Curlew) was confirmed but a distinct improvement in the overall situation was observed. The situation is quite different when it comes to bird trapping: since the Maltese government has once again allowed finch trapping during the autumn, trappers are also out in force during the spring. We have found over 150 active trapping sites and have been able to report more than 70 to the police – far more than in previous years. Around a dozen people were identified and over 30 sites were cleared of nets and other trapping equipment.


Since 10 April CABS members have occupied the small uninhabited island of Palmarola. They lie in wait offshore of the island with a sailboat and during the day they monitor the few places where hunters can land. So far, their presence has ensured not a single shot. The CABS team remain on the island until May 7th. On the nearby island of Ponza, members of our partner association LAC have been keeping check on the poaching hotspots since 15 April - no poacher has been seen since. This action also ends on 7 May.
Our bird protection camp on the Strait of Messina in southern Italy has just started. Up to four CABS teams are in operation until the beginning of May to monitor the birds of prey. Honey buzzards are traditionally shot here.
On 27th May, our bird camp on the island of Ischia begins, our WWF colleagues have been in operation since 22 May.


Our bird protection camp on Cyprus this spring - our biggest operation this spring - has been running for four weeks now. So far, the CABS teams have found and dismantled a total of 1,080 limesticks and 9 nets. 81 birds were released unharmed. As a result of our field investigations police have been able to convict four poachers.
Whilst the bird trapping during the autumn is completely out of control we have now got it almost under control during the spring. Nevertheless, there is still plenty to do – hundreds of active trappers are still hundreds too much! Our operation in Cyprus continues until the 7th May to coincide with the end of the bird migration.

The British TV presenter Chris Packham has accompanied our actions in Cyprus and has released a 25 minute video. It gives a deep insight into our work and is really worth seeing:

Best wishes from Xemxija/Malta
Alexander Heyd

Alexander Heyd (Geschäftsführer/Managing Director) Komitee gegen den Vogelmord e.V. Committee Against Bird Slaughter (CABS) Bundesgeschäftsstelle An der Ziegelei 8, 53127 Bonn, Germany Tel.: +49 228 66 55 21 Fax : +49 228 66 52 80 Email: Internet: Facebook (deutsch): Facebook (english): 
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