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April 1, 2023

Birmingham Obituaries
Bennett, Bob
Bob Bennett of Birmingham, Alabama passed away on Tuesday, March 28, 2023, at the age of 80. He was a wonderful and loving husband, ..... CTA
Demby, Lula Brown
Happy Heavenly Birthday Mama Your Sons, Byron, Bertram, Bobby, and Brandon ..... CTA
Hughes, John Randall (Randy)
IN LOVING MEMORY JOHN RANDALL (RANDY) HUGHES JULY 8, 1954 – MARCH 23,2023 Randy Hughes, age 68, passed away on Thursday, March 23, 2023. ..... CTA
Yarbrough, Carol Anne Mathis
Carol Anne Mathis, age 62, passed away on March 12, 2023. Carol Anne was born in Birmingham, Alabama, to John and Florene Mathis. She ..... CTA
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