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August 3, 2023

Birmingham Obituaries
Bolden, Acquanetta M.
Acquanetta M. Bolden, 70, of Birmingham, transitioned on July 29, 2023. Funeral service is August 5, 2023-1pm, Worship Center-Derby. Viewing, Eastside-Woodlawn from 2-8pm... CTA
Hill, Annette Clements
Lois Annette Hill (Annette), 90, passed away peacefully on July 28, 2023 in Biloxi, MS surrounded by loving family. Known for her class and ..... CTA
Hill, Lois Annette
Lois Annette Hill (Annette), 90, passed away peacefully on July 28, 2023 in Biloxi, MS surrounded by loving family. Known for her class and ..... CTA
Smith, Bettye Magnuson
Bettye Louise Magnuson Smith, age 95, died on Sunday, July 30, 2023, after a long struggle with dementia. She was preceded in death by ..... CTA
Stubbins, Marion Woolfolk
Marion Woolfolk Stubbins, 94, of Birmingham, Alabama, died peacefully at home on July 27,2023. She was preceded in death by her parents Mary Byron ..... CTA
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