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Financial Edition

Here is an interesting offer from our partners:

Dear Reader,

Since peaking last November, Bitcoin has dropped almost 50%.

Is it time to panic?

According to Teeka Tiwari (who was voted #1 most trusted crypto expert), no.

But he's also warning that the biggest gains going forward will not come from Bitcoin.

It will come from these NFT plays.

And he might be right once again, just like he was right when he picked Bitcoin at $428 and Ethereum at $9.

As Forbes wrote recently...

"The NFT explosion has defied a broader crypto market drawback."

So how can you play this booming market?

Teeka recently gave an interview where he revealed the truth about NFTs... and even gave away a free recommendation to play this hot trend.

Click here to watch it.


Kyle Warnke
Managing Editor, The Palm Beach Letter