Hello Humble Bitcoiners!

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📝 Today's Rundown
  • Bitcoin Misconceptions: Block Inc. released a survey of 9,500 respondents discussing misconceptions surrounding bitcoin.
  • Oil & Gas: As more major oil and gas operations partner with bitcoin miners, it’s clear that this magic internet money is transforming energy.
  • Integrating Lightning: Lightning is poised to seamlessly integrate into our everyday operations much in the same way the internet has.


Block Inc. Survey Addresses Misconceptions About Bitcoin: Report
By Shawn Amick

Block, a Bitcoin-oriented financial services firm previously known as Square, just released Bitcoin: Knowledge and Perception, a report detailing a survey of 9,500 participants conducted through a partnership with Wakefield Research to address common misconceptions about bitcoin.

Throughout the questionary, some interesting insights were shared such as:

  • 88% of the respondents are aware of Bitcoin.
  • 73% of no-coiners who know a bitcoiner, are likely to buy bitcoin.
  • The percentage of people optimistic about bitcoin's future is slightly higher for high-income individuals.
  • Asia has the highest optimism in bitcoin's future.
  • Adoption is significantly higher on countries with high inflation.
  • 51% of the people not buying it, don't know enough about it.
There is definitely an area of opportunity in improving education to gain further adoption.
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These Public Oil Companies Are Joining Forces With Bitcoin Miners To Reshape The Industry
By Zack Voell

The Bitcoin mining industry keeps growing at an incredible speed. Even though bitcoin’s price action has been rather drab for recently, blockchain data shows a massive increase in miners and its hash rate keeps printing all-time highs by the day. As time goes by, the biggest and most secure network in the world keeps attracting more and more participants and major oil and gas companies are no  exception.

The author of this article describes how it is clear that Bitcoin and its mining industry is merging with and transforming the energy sector for the better. This article overviews the partnerships that are leading the merge between bitcoin mining and oil companies, and it offers some summary analysis into the specifics of why these corporate unions matter.

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1. Towerbank, a top 30 bank in Panama, just announced bitcoin friendly services at an event hosted by the Chamber of Digital Commerce and Blockchain of Panama.

2. A senior official from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation said it is open to using bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies for international payments.

3. The never-ending projects fantasized about by scientists promise much without actually delivering anything.

4. Under a Bitcoin system, we might once again learn to understand social systems as complex and organic structures that require decentralization.

5. It is imperative to ensure the foundation of Bitcoin is built with great care and diligence. Every change should be made with extreme caution.

6. On Memorial Day, we remember fallen soldiers and their sacrifice made toward protecting freedom. Like Bitcoin, freedom requires proof of work.

7. Before they were cypherpunks, the forefathers of Bitcoin were Extropians.

8. Bitcoin is defined by its users, but how many node operators understand and verify protocol changes on a nuanced and deeply technical level?

Lightning For Life - How Lightning Can And Will Integrate With The Web
By Roy Sheinfeld

The internet has managed to merge into our lives to the point that we use it constantly without even thinking about it. It has become extremely accessible and for the vast majority it has become indispensable.

Money is similar — we use it almost unconsciously. Your financial activity never stops, it keeps running as long as your refrigerator keeps using electricity, for example. But most importantly, it keeps evolving. Money is changing and, sooner or later, it will merge with the internet and every human being will have easy and almost unconscious access to the best form of money our species has discovered: Bitcoin.

The author of this article writes about this integration of decentralized money with the web and how the Lightning Network has a crucial role in achieving that. 

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By 21mbitcoins

It is definitely a nice feeling to see the price move in the same direction as the fundamentals, as the price action battle plays itself out. Even though it isn't what we should be basing our conviction on, to see some green candles is a rewarding experience. 

With love,
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