TODAY'S TOP STORIES - July 27, 2016

Hillary Clinton Made History Last Night, But You Wouldn’t Know It From These Front Pages

By Elizabeth Preza, AlterNet

Sexism is alive and well in 2016. READ MORE»

Jimmy Carter's Great Hillary Story: How Clinton First Broke the Glass Ceiling 40 Years Ago

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

A powerful story from the former president.  READ MORE»

The Freddie Gray Case Concludes With No Convictions After the Remaining Charges Are Dropped

By Lauren Holter, The Frisky

After Gray's death, the world has waited—but not for this. READ MORE»

Turbo-Capitalism Will Wreck Us, Unless Hillary Moves Faster

By Jim Sleeper, Washington Monthly

Breaking the glass ceiling won't fix the walls and foundation. READ MORE»

Why Can't the Clinton Campaign Stop Treating Muslim Americans Like Tools in the War on Terror?

By Sarah Lazare, AlterNet

Bill Clinton's DNC address described Muslims as foreigners, welcome only to the extent that they assist in battle against “terrorism.” READ MORE»

Bernie's After-Party: Delegates Hope to Take the 'Political Revolution' Back Home

By Andrew O'Hehir, Salon

Sanders delegates walk out—in anger, in celebration and sometimes in costume—vowing to continue the struggle. READ MORE»

Cherokee Nation Chief Schools Trump: Calling Elizabeth Warren 'Pocahontas' Is a Racist Put-Down

By Robin Scher, AlterNet

Trump's lack of respect for the people of America seems to know no bounds. READ MORE»

Virginia Officer Accused of Murdering Unarmed Black 18-Year-Old Tells Witness, 'This Is My Second One'

By Robin Scher, AlterNet

Judge rejects request by defense to have this evidence removed from the case. READ MORE»

It Doesn't Have to Be 'Us' vs. 'Them'

By Isaiah J. Poole, OtherWords

Not all white working-class voters are ready to blame their neighbors for problems caused by corporations. READ MORE»

Colbert Shows Hillary How You Really Break a Glass Ceiling

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

At the historic celebration, Democrats didn't quite get the metaphor exactly right.  READ MORE»

Bill O'Reilly: Slaves Who Built the White House 'Were Well Fed and Had Decent Lodgings'

By David Ferguson, Raw Story

What part of his disturbed brain comes up with stuff like this in response to Michelle Obama's speech? READ MORE»

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