TODAY'S TOP STORIES - April 22, 2017

Trump's Organized Crime Ties Bring Blackmail to the White House

By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet

Says one former business partner, "The headline will be ‘The Kazakh Gangster and President Trump.'" READ MORE»

Trump's First 100 Days: More Frightening, or More Pathetic?

By Heather Digby Parton, Salon

"We have done so much," boasts the president. But other than scary Jeff Sessions, it's been unmitigated failure. READ MORE»

It's Official: Top Psychiatrists at Yale Conference Warn That Trump Has a 'Dangerous Mental Illness'

By Brad Reed, Raw Story

Trump's mental health could have a dangerous impact on the American people. READ MORE»

America Is Regressing into a Developing Nation for Most People

By Lynn Stuart Parramore, AlterNet

A new book reveals that the U.S. is becoming two distinct countries, with separate economies, politics and opportunities. READ MORE»

The Bernie TV Show: He Doesn't Need Corporate Media

By Adam Gabbatt, The Guardian

The Vermont senator has found a new way to bypass traditional media. READ MORE»

Debunking Latest Tax Cut Advice To Trump From Alternative Fact-Filled World of Pro-Corporate Economists

By Jared Bernstein, On the Economy

Remember Ronald Reagan's trickle-down economics that didn't trickle down? READ MORE»

Pundits Who Helped Sell NATO's Destruction of Libya Push for Trump to Lead Syria Regime Change

By Ben Norton, AlterNet

Human slaves are now being sold in Libya, after NATO regime change. The pundits who backed it now have their sights on Syria. READ MORE»

Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions Ramp up Their Crusade Against Black and Brown Americans

By Chauncey DeVega, Salon

Remember when Trump promised to "take care" of African-Americans? Sessions is now in charge of carrying that out. READ MORE»

Watch: Bernie Sanders in Texas Rallies to Make a Monster Red State Turn Blue

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

The Revolution tour continues.  READ MORE»

‘The New York Times’ Makes Nice With the Right

By Neal Gabler,

Adding Bret Stephens to its roster of op-ed voices seems to be some kind of atonement for missing Trumpism. But is it the right move? READ MORE»

Parents Should Be Wary of Grandiose School Choice Claims by Libre, The Koch Brothers' Latino Front Group

By Julian Vasquez Heilig, Network for Public Education

School choice perpetuates separate and unequal schools. READ MORE»

Brave New Films: Prison Bureaucrats Play God Keeping Non-Violent, Terminally Ill in Jail Instead of With Family

By Robert Greenwald, Mary Price, Brave New Films

Why is compassionate release being ignored? READ MORE»

How To Win With Identity Politics

By Leigh Ann Smith, The Establishment

Forget what the pundits are peddling — identity politics can play a key role in shaping a better future. READ MORE»

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