Blessings from A Course in Miracles

By Ana Holub

The following is an excerpt from the "Blessings from A Course in Miracles" on-line course. If you would like to enroll in the course, click here.

"Forgiveness is my function as the light of the world." -- Workbook, Lesson 62

This small sentence has helped me so many times, in a million different situations. When I think about the purpose of ACIM, I feel it's to teach us this: forgiveness is our function as the light of the world.

Let's take this statement apart to get the most out of it. It starts out with "Forgiveness is my function." This teaching is a signpost; it's a marker which constantly shows us the way.

There are so many moments throughout each day when we can lose direction. "What's my function?" we ask subconsciously. Is it being a family member, career person, helper, hot date, smart aleck, best/worst person on Earth? These are roles our egos would have us serve.

But Jesus tells us that forgiveness is our function – before everything else. He brings us a reminder that underneath all of our roles and posturing, we have a spiritual purpose.

Our mission is forgiveness as it's explained in the Course. This is not traditional forgiveness. It's not seeing that something wrong happened and then trying to fix it using apology or reconciliation.

Apology and reconciliation are wonderful tools to use in the world, but they are distinct from ACIM's forgiveness. In the Course, forgiveness is a spiritual action given through each person's free will. It means seeing the absolute, perfect innocence of every person, including yourself, no matter what happened.

God creates us in perfect innocence, not once, but eternally and constantly. Tapping into this truth brings us to the second part of Lesson 62: "Forgiveness is my function as the light of the world". In it, we're reminded WHO we are. We are the Light of the World, the very stuff of God.

If we can remember that we ARE the light of the world, and all we need to do is forgive (i.e. see the perfect, innocent light inside of everyone), we'll enter an experience of the Atonement, or complete union with God. At-one-ment.

This is the Course in a nutshell. What's challenging is to live Lesson 62 all the time. No exceptions, no vacations into unconsciousness, no excuses. As you'll probably find as you work with this lesson, you'll need to create some new habits of mind in order to begin to be successful. But don't worry. You're eternal. The Course shortens the amount of time needed to awaken, but you still have all the time you need.

For more information visit:
> Blessings from A Course in Miracles


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