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March 15, 2021
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Hi Everyone,

Holy Toledo, Batman!! DC Comics now has a non-fungible token series. ...
First off, it's great to see a strong leader of pop culture like DC entering the NFT space. Second, hold the phone. ...

Who appointed you king of the blockchain???

In truth, DC has every reason to be alarmed. After all, The Dark Night is their number one cash cow, by far.

Also, NFTs are big business, and they are already encroaching on the comic maker's well-established trademarks.

A former DC artist named José Delbo, who's been drawing Wonder Woman since the 1970s, has already sold approximately $2 million worth of NFTs on his MakersPlace gallery.

A one-of-a-kind token corresponding to this piece of art was sold to a user going by the handle "888" for nearly $300,000. 
Going back to my earlier point though, DC may be within their rights to threaten legal action. However, the power of blockchain may well be their kryptonite.

As we mentioned in a BMJ Daily Newsletter regarding NFTs last week, copyright laws simply don't apply to blockchain assets.

The fact of the matter is that the immutable nature of blockchain, along with the ability for users to remain anonymous, will very likely render these arcane laws utterly unenforceable. 

Sure, they'll make a bitter example of 87-year-old Delbo.

After all, the suddenly wealthy artist did use his real name and social media accounts to promote the product.

The newly popular decentralized world of NFT art, however, will prove to be a very difficult beast for authorities to tame.
Stimulating bitcoin

Last time the stimulus payments went out, people were a bit preoccupied, and the market was nowhere near as hot.

Those who were forward-thinking enough to take the free money from the government and invest it have done extremely well for themselves indeed.

This time, I have a feeling people will be a lot smarter, or at least a lot more apt to invest what they're given. It seems the data agrees.

recent survey from Mizuho bank has several very interesting revelations for us:

  • Nearly 40% of respondents will be looking to put some of their money to work.
  • Bitcoin is the most popular investment making up almost 60% of the incremental capital likely to be invested.
  • The price of bitcoin is likely to rise 2% to 3% as a direct result from the stimulus checks. 

That may not sound like a lot, and with bitcoin down nearly 5% today, it really isn't. Good thing there are other players in the market right now with deeper pockets. 

Have a wonderful afternoon.

Mati Greenspan
Analysis, Advisory, Money Management