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July 2, 2020
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Hi Everyone,

We'd like to start out by wishing all our U.S. readers an incredibly happy and star-spangled Independence Day!

The land of the free and home of the brave turns 244 Saturday, as citizens celebrate their independence from authoritarian British rule. Perhaps it is a bit ironic that the U.K. is now fighting for its own independence from the European Union.

After a major deadline to extend talks was missed on Tuesday, experts are now warning people and companies to be prepared for the hardest possible Brexit. Yup, that's right, the market's worst fear over the last four years is materializing right before our eyes in front of a gargantuan pandemic-dominated backdrop.

In the markets, it does usually pay to be an optimist, but I gotta say that this task is growing harder by the day. 

Please note: I will not be contributing to the BMJ newsletter tomorrow, and there will be no BMJ newsletter Monday. We'll resume as usual on Tuesday July 7th.
Jobs Day

Markets in the United States will be closed tomorrow for the holiday, so the monthly jobs data known as the non-farm payrolls that comes out on the first Friday of every month - and is usually the biggest thing that moves the markets on a monthly basis - has been advanced to today.

It is a bit of a surprise, yes. Normally, pundits talk about the NFP from Monday or Tuesday of the same week and the re-scheduling of the same almost has the impact of springing the data on an unsuspecting market that didn't have adequate time to prepare.

Not only for that reason, today will most likely be the most chaotic NFP day ever. As we discussed last month, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which produces the report, is currently suffering from classification errors in its data, as it's not clear how many people who claimed they are furloughed should actually be considered unemployed. The BLS was expected to give further clarification in today's report, but it's not clear if that will be interpreted as good or bad news.

In addition, many states are now announcing partial or full rollbacks of the rolling lockdowns. So no doubt many people who found a job in June are likely to lose it in July.

Nevertheless, the report went live at 8:30 AM in New York...
Rate of Acceleration

Boring is good for bitcoin. Well, everything is good for bitcoin. But price stability is one thing that we've long celebrated here at Quantum Economics. Here's a great article that highlights the beautiful paradox that bitcoin is seeing right now. By some metrics that track volumes, volatility, and social engagement, the digital asset is in a giant lull. By other metrics that measure actual usage, bitcoin is extremely exciting right now.
Enjoy the holiday weekend. Don't forget to drink responsibly and maintain social distance. Wear a mask and gloves when going outside and wash your hands frequently. The pandemic isn't gone just yet. Bye for now!

Best regards,

Mati Greenspan
Analysis, Advisory, Money Management
