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June 24, 2021
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Hi Everyone,

By now, you've probably heard that 75-year-old software entrepreneur John McAfee was found dead in his Spanish prison cell, just hours before he was due to be extradited to the U.S. where he expected to serve the rest of his life in prison for tax evasion.

For those of you who are new to the world of digital assets, we can really think of McAfee as the unwanted father of the crypto community.

He frequently shilled shady, lesser-known digital currencies on his Twitter feed, taking in founder-style bonuses only to trash talk those same projects after cashing out.

He said a lot of stupid stuff. It was when he up and claimed that he no longer believed in Bitcoin, but that Monero would be the future of crypto, that I muted him on Twitter.

Well, that and his drink mixology videos were mildly annoying. Still, despite all the B-level content it's kind of a shame he had to kill himself...or did he?

Now, I'm not usually one to wear a tin foil hat, but there are a few things about the official story that really don't add up.

The most prevalent one is this tweet from 18 months ago that's blowing up on Twitter today. ...
Or this one that's a bit more recent, but reaffirms the same message that if McAfee is found dead, he didn't do it.
Stranger still is that while the conspiracy theorists on social media were going nuts, there was very little attention to the above in the mainstream media.

In this tweet storm, I identified 10 different well-known media outlets that neglected to mention the old man's pertinent theory of how his own death might play out.

Now, it could be that these sources weren't aware of the drama, or that they didn't find it particularly relevant.

Still, many of them ran headlines stating definitively that he died by suicide, even though there was no investigation and no witnesses.

Most of them contain a statement provided by the regional Catalan government indicating that "everything points to suicide," but omit comments from McAfee's attorney that it didn't seem likely.

Though several headlines have since been updated to include guarded language around the cause of death, very few have mentioned the above tweets.
Kill switch

The final bizarre part of this saga is a so-called dead man's switch that McAfee warned his would-be murderers contains 31 terabytes of incriminating data (on government officials) that would become publicly available should he disappear.

Moments after his death was reported, a picture of a giant Q was mysteriously posted to McAfee's Instagram page.

Then, a few hours later, the entire account disappeared from Facebook's image-sharing subsidiary platform.

Neither Facebook nor Instagram has provided comment so far. 

Further, the smart contract for the above mentioned $WHACKD token started to come alive with transactions.

Some individuals are speculating that some of those transactions may contain McAfee's evidence.

More likely, however, it was just everyday people like me buying some of this momentous coin, which is available on Uniswap with the address 0xfe9b33ec5dcDe28B885a62766cc4d43a1b5A2494

Not one to let a good opportunity to waste, an anonymous coder has now put up a new WHACKD coin on the Binance Smart Chain, which is due to be delivered as an airdrop in the next few hours. Full disclosure: I may have bought that one as well.

The way I understand a dead man's switch is that it would require a check in from the user on a periodic basis, possibly every few days.

The trigger would likely happen automatically should the old man not respond.

So, we still don't know if there will be incoming data. In all likelihood, there won't be though. It's fun to speculate, but we may never find out the truth.

It's not all that unrealistic that McAfee changed his mind about uninstalling himself and decided to use his death to cause a bit of mischief.

It certainly wouldn't be the first time he reneged on previous communications or caused a social media frenzy.

No matter what the truth is, or how painstakingly annoying McAfee may have been, it's still hard to believe that he's gone.

May he will live on in our hearts and minds, as well as our hard drives, forever.

Best regards,

Mati Greenspan
Analysis, Advisory, Money Management