In this issue, July 24, 2018 View it in your browser.

Bloomberg's Monitoring Systems, MongoDB 4.0 Supports ACID Txns, Graal: The New Java JIT Compiler, Netflix's Polly.JS, Windows 10 IoT Core Services

Often called bleeding-edge for the enterprise, QCon San Francisco is a conference for senior software engineers and architects on the patterns, practices, and use cases leveraged by the world’s most innovative software shops. Find out more on the QCon SF 2018 conference.



Kubernetes Up & Running (By O’Reilly).

Learn about Kubernetes from its creators & set solutions up for success with this definitive guide. Download Now.

#noprojects - A Culture of Continuous Value

In this thoughtful exploration on the future of work, the authors explore the past, present and future of the “project”. And why, in today’s fast changing & hyper-competitive world, running a temporary endeavour is the wrong approach to building sustainable products and how #noprojects is fundamentally changing the way companies work. (Mini-book)

Edith Harbaugh of Launch Darkly on Engineering a Good Engineering Culture

In this podcast Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, spoke to Edith Harbaugh of Launch Darkly on the way she and her cofounder have deliberately engineered their organisation’s culture. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Q&A with Saumitra Buragohain on Hortonworks Data Platform 3.0

  2. MongoDB Database Tool, dbKoda, Offers Enhanced User Experience and Performance Lab in Version 1.0

Solving Business Problems with Blockchain

The panelists discuss the business problems that blockchain can solve. (Presentation)

Go to the next level: improve uptime and performance with machine learning

Learn how to use time series data sets together with ML techniques in order to better understand system behaviors. Start now. (Presentation)

InfoQ YouTube Exclusives

A Whirlwind Overview of Apache Beam

Eugene Kirpichov gives a quick overview of the fundamentals of the Beam programming model, and an even quicker overview of the project's place in the data processing ecosystem and its future directions. [video length 13:09 min] (Presentation)

Gimel: Commoditizing Data Access

Romit Mehta introduces us to Gimel's compute platform and data platform and gives an overview of how PayPal's data scientists, analysts and developers are taking advantage of Gimel using GSQL and PayPal Notebooks. [video length 11:26 min] (Presentation)


  1. Azure Virtual WAN and Azure Firewall Now in Public Preview

  2. Microsoft Announces the Public Preview of Dev Spaces for AKS

  3. Bloomberg’s Standardization and Scaling of Its Monitoring Systems

  4. Is On-Premise a Better Fit for SaaS Compliance with GDPR?

  5. Shippable and Packet Collaborate on Native Arm CI/CD

The Cloud is Ready. Are You? Accelerating Enterprise Cloud Adoption with Automation

Ashok Balasubramanian discusses how Syntel’s automation powered approach helps enterprises adopt cloud, including one case of adoption of Pivotal. (Presentation)

From Zero to a Full Docker-Based IT Teams

Rachid Zarouali discusses their adoption of Docker, the tooling used, and how it helped them in their development and ops work. (Presentation)

It's Not Continuous Delivery if You Can't Deploy Right Now

Ken Mugrage argues that CD is done when code is deployed in production, providing code management strategies, deployment patterns, and types of CD pipelines. (Presentation)

CRI Runtimes Deep Dive: Who's Running My Kubernetes Pod!?

Phil Estes talks about CRI implementations, and gives a hands-on demonstration of how Kubernetes, the CRI, and CRI-supporting runtimes work together to handle the container lifecycle within their K8s pods. He digs into the useful capabilities of the CRI and how to understand the inner workings between Kubernetes and the CRI container runtimes that support it. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon San Francisco, November 5-7, 2018. Join us!

Control Planes: Designing Infrastructure for Rapid Iteration

Mohit Gupta shares Clever’s learnings on how to build developer control planes to allow our infrastructure team to make changes without disrupting engineers. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon San Francisco, November 5-7, 2018. Join us!

Chick-Fil-A: Milking the Most out of 1000's of K8s Clusters

Brian Chambers and Caleb Hurd share how Chick-fil-A manages connections and deployments using two to-be-announced open source projects. They explain how they obtain operational visibility to their services, including logging, monitoring, and tracing. They also share early lessons and battle stories learned from running Kubernetes at the Edge. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon San Francisco, November 5-7, 2018. Join us!


  1. MongoDB 4.0 Released with Support for Multi-Document ACID Transactions

Visualizing Home Automation with GRiSP

Claudia Doppioslash and Adam Lindberg introduce GRiSP, a home automation project written in Erlang and JavaScript/D3. (Presentation)

In Praise of Higher Order Functions

Mary Sheeran discusses higher order functions, taking a look at their history and their algebra, showing some examples capturing patterns in hardware description and GPU programming. (Presentation)

Getting to Know Graal, the New Java JIT Compiler

Oracle has released Graal, which is both a new JIT compiler for Java and a major component in their next-generation polyglot virtual machine, GraalVM. The effort aims to improve startup time and reduce footprint of Java applications as well as unlock fully polyglot, multi-language technologies within a single VM. The initial release includes JVM and JS with LLVM, Ruby and R in beta. (Article)

Effective Java, Third Edition - Keepin' it Effective

Joshua Bloch covers some highlights from the third edition of “Effective Java”, concentrating on streams and lambdas. The recently released edition of Effective Java contains one new chapter, fourteen new items, and numerous changes to existing items. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon San Francisco, November 5-7, 2018. Join us!

Java 11 - Keeping the Java Release Train on the Right Track

Jeanne Boyarsky reviews code examples of the new features in Java 11, and also features of Java 10. She also discusses the impact of the new Java release train on production code. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon San Francisco, November 5-7, 2018. Join us!



Microservices for Java Developers (By O'Reilly).

This eBook provides a hands-on approach to three useful Java frameworks for building microservices: Spring Boot, Dropwizard, and WildFly. Compare and contrast them through a handful of familiar patterns. Download Now.

Securing web.config with Encryption Certificates on Windows and Azure

A major area where security is often lax is the web.config file. Usually stored in plain text, an intruder who gains access to this file can then easily access databases and other resources both internal and external. With this technique, secrets in your web.config can be encrypted using the Windows certificate store (Article)



Building Microservices on AWS [Video].

  • Build Microservices-based applications on AWS
  • Improve the resiliency of your application
  • Improve reusability & maintainability of code
Get this Video for $10 only for a limited time.

Netflix Announces Polly.JS HTTP Interaction Library

Netflix recently announced the release of Polly.JS, an open source library for recording, replaying and stubbing HTTP interactions. (News)


  1. Microsoft Previews Windows 10 IoT Core Services

The Rewards and Challenges of Predictive Maintenance

Predictive maintenance is not new, but today more than ever, with advancements in industrial Internet of things (IIoT) and artificial intelligence (AI), predictive maintenance can result in significant savings for manufacturers. (Article)

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Axon Framework 3.3 with a Subscription Query API and Kafka Support

  2. Scaling Push Messaging for Millions of Devices @Netflix - Susheel Aroskar at QCon NY

Building an API Gateway with the Ballerina Programming Language

An API Gateway is a layer in an architecture pattern that allows the business API to focus on the business functionality while taking care of the request dispatching, policy enforcement, protocol translations and analytics. This article is about how we built an API Gateway in Ballerina for the WSO2 API Manager. (Article)

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Spark the Change: Building Tomorrow’s Company

  2. Ben Gracewood on Learning from an Organisational Train Wreck

Measuring Tech Performance: You’re Probably Doing It Wrong

We try our best to measure our performance, and along the way identify just the right OKRs and KPIs and ABCs. There’s no One True Metric That Matters, but there are some useful guidelines and some all-too-commonly made mistakes. Use measures that focus on outcomes, not output, and measures that optimize for global or team outcomes, not local or individual outcomes. (Article)

Q&A on the Book Testing in the Digital Age

The Book Testing in the Digital Age by Tom van de Ven, Rik Marselis, and Humayun Shaukat, explains the impact that developments like robotics, artificial intelligence, internet of things, and big data are having in testing. It explores the challenges and possibilities that the digital age brings us when it comes to testing software systems. (Article)



Join us at Agile2018!

The premier international conference on Agile methods in software development! 279 thought-provoking sessions + 2,500 attendees from 40 countries. Group discounts available. San Diego, August 6-10.

The Service-Delivery Review: The Missing Agile Feedback Loop

Matt Philip introduces the service-delivery review as a forum for feedback, its benefits, how to conduct one and typical fitness metrics. (Presentation)

Forecasting for Beginners

Dan Brown discusses how to forecast a delivery with a spreadsheet fairly accurately, quickly and simply, and without any need for estimation of work items or user stories. (Presentation)