TODAY'S TOP STORIES - August 7, 2017

Charles Blow: Trump May Be the Single Biggest Whiner in America

By Julia Flasphaler, AlterNet

Much like his base of voters, the president is "unceasingly pained, injured, aggrieved." READ MORE»

John Oliver Nails One of the Trump Administration's Most Notorious Villains

By David Ferguson, Raw Story

The "Last Week Tonight" host calls Stephen Miller "one of the most revolting humans" he's ever seen. READ MORE»

Paul Krugman: How to Fix Our Health Care Mess

By Jennie Neufeld, AlterNet

"Idealists need to set priorities, and Medicare-for-all shouldn’t be at the top of the list.” READ MORE»

GOP Pollster Finds Trump Support Diving to 'Dangerously Low Territory' as His Base Begins to Crumble

By Brad Reed, Raw Story

The president insists Republicans are uniting. The numbers tell a different story. READ MORE»

Why Trump's Big Boasts About the Economy Are Bound to Backfire

By Bob Cesca, Salon

The president wants credit for a soaring stock market. What happens when it crashes? READ MORE»

Senate Republicans Are Growing Exhausted and Ornery About Their Party's Inability to Govern

By Joan McCarter, DailyKos

The Trump administration is still yet to pass a significant piece of legislation. READ MORE»

The Trump Administration Has Begun Censoring Use of the Term 'Climate Change'

By Oliver Milman, The Guardian

New emails indicate the USDA has been directed not to acknowledge the dangers of global warming. READ MORE»

Why Thousands of New Moms Around the World Breastfed Their Babies In Public This Week

By April M. Short, AlterNet

Breastfeeding isn't just healthier for infants—it's better for society.  READ MORE»

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