Morning Memo
Wealth Management Morning Memo

JANUARY 5, 2018


Bob Doll’s 10 Predictions for 2018: From a Smooth Gallop to a Bumpy Grind

The Nuveen equity strategist's predictions for the economy, the markets and the mid-term elections.



All Wirehouses Forbid Cryptocurrency Trading, Not Just Merrill Lynch

Wells Fargo, UBS and Morgan Stanley also don’t allow advisors to purchase bitcoin or derivative products on behalf of clients.



How to Work Hard Without Burning Out

Find the healthy balance that works for you.


The Daily Brief

NASAA Cautions Investors On Cryptocurrencies

The North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA) released a public caution on cryptocurrencies and their related investments on Thursday. In the release, NASAA President and Director of the Alabama Securities Commission Joseph Borg said investors "should go beyond the headlines and hype to understand the risks associated with investments." ...

For Wealthy Families, Dealing With Family Harder than Handling Finances

Wealthy families rate their performance dealing with investments and finance better than their own family situations, according to Pitcairn's Wealth Momentum Index survey. The survey, of 24 respondents at Pitcairn's annual Family Wealth and Investment Forum, found that families felt family meetings and wealth transitions were the most challenging, while they had higher confidence in financial issues like investments, wealth administration and taxes. ...

Advisory Firm Acquires $4 Billion Team
Qualified Plan Advisors has acquired the retirement practice of Ascende Wealth Advisers, a division of EPIC Insurance Brokers and Consultants, adding $4 billion in assets under advisement. ...