Plus, how a presidential transition could be chaotic, and more...
September 10, 2020
Bob Woodward’s Critics are Missing the Point

Yes, the legendary reporter's methods can be unscrupulous. But the latest findings speak for themselves.

By Alex Shephard


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Trump Is Waging a One-Sided Judicial War Against Democrats His latest Supreme Court shortlist includes Senate allies Ted Cruz and Tom Cotton, and seems designed to goad Biden into a response.By Matt Ford


Ben Sasse’s Plan to Save the Senate Will Bury It InsteadThe world’s greatest deliberative body has seen better days, but the Nebraska senator’s solutions will only continue its downward spiral.
By Matt Ford
Drilling for Oil While California Burns Democrats can’t go green while continuing to green-light fossil fuel production.By Kate Aronoff
Academia Was Built on White Theft Jessica Krug is an outlier. The real story of higher education’s racist vulturism has been made mundane through time.
By Nick Martin


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