
The crash of Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 killed all 157 people aboard. It was the second fatal accident involving Boeing's best-selling jet, the 737 Max. After Sunday's disaster outside Addis Ababa, some airlines grounded the plane, though the FAA said it remains airworthy. Still, Boeing stock suffered its biggest decline since the Sept. 11 attacks.—Josh Petri

Here are today's top stories

Boeing will face many questions in the coming days, but one looms above the rest no matter what the FAA says: Is the 737 Max safe to fly?

President Donald Trump released his new budget proposal, seeking 
$8.6 billion for building a border wall. Congress says it's dead on arrival.

Tired of waiting for the administration's promised infrastructure plan, states are raising money to "fix the damn roads" themselves.

The global economy’s sudden loss of momentum through 2018 has left the pace of expansion at its weakest since the global financial crisis.

Tesla's about-face on its decision to shutter stores and slash prices raises questions about management decisions at the electric carmaker.

Looking for a bellwether in the $100 million consumer DNA-testing industry? One company makes almost all the test spit tubes, Bloomberg Businessweek reports. 

Media giants are just beginning to realize what Netflix already knows: Streaming is expensive.

What's Joe Weisenthal thinking about? The Bloomberg news director will be keeping a close eye on economic data over the next few days. After last week's mediocre jobs number, many will be looking for more signs that the economy is decelerating.

What you'll need to know tomorrow

What you'll want to read tonight

The Most Expensive Election in the World?

The world’s biggest democracy will soon hold what’s likely to be one of the world’s costliest elections. India’s six-week-long vote will send poll workers trekking through the Himalayan range in the north, to the Indian Ocean in the south, across the Thar desert in the west and through the mangroves of the Sundarbans in the east.

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