June 24, 2022

National Upcycling Day

Dig out those unused clothes, accessories, even furniture and "upcycle" them into something new with a bit of creativity and tender loving care. Upcycling is a growing trend that's still under the radar for some. Simply, it's all about taking old objects and furniture, and adding your own creativity and craft to make it something new, unique and beautiful. National Upcycling Day is all about celebrating the art of upcycling. However, with that art also comes the focus on sustainable use of household goods, recycling items instead of being wasteful, and the many different ways we can reuse things that we might think are completely useless at first glance. Learn more and check out these titles

New & Notable Titles

General Fiction Mystery Romance Science Fiction Adventure

Nonfiction Past & Present Science & Nature Lifestyles Business

Children's Picture Children's Chapter Teen Scene

Books on the Air

An overview of talked-about books and authors. This weekly update, published every Friday, provides descriptions of recent TV and radio appearances by authors and their recently released books. See the hot titles from the media this week.

This Week's Bestsellers

Hardcover Fiction

Hardcover Nonfiction

Paperback Fiction

Paperback Nonfiction

Geraldine Brooks

Australian-born Geraldine Brooks is an author and journalist who grew up in the Western suburbs of Sydney, attending Bethlehem College Ashfield and the University of Sydney. She worked as a reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald for three years as a feature writer with a special interest in environmental issues. She was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in fiction in 2006 for her novel March. Her novels People of the Book, Caleb's Crossing and The Secret Chord all were New York Times Bestsellers. Brooks married fellow journalist and author Tony Horwitz in Tourette-sur-Loup France in 1984 and were together until his sudden death in 2019. They have two sons. She now lives with a dog named Bear and a mare named Valentine by an old mill pond on Martha's Vineyard and spends as much time as she can in Australia. Check out her books here.

New Books

Kick off Summer with a new book. Check them out here

A book is more than the sum of its materials. It is an artifact of the human mind and hand.-Geraldine Brooks, People of the Book


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