January 20, 2023

National Cheese Lover's Day

On National Cheese Lover's Day, don't feel bleu, throw a feta or act capriciously. January 20th is a gouda day to kummin over and have some cheddar or asiago or fontina! There is no firm evidence of how humans discovered cheese making. But legend tells us it was likely that someone created the first cheese by chance. Thousands of years ago, people transported milk and stored it in sheep's stomachs. Left to sit a few days, the proteins would separate into curds and whey. From there, preserving the solids with salt may have seemed a logical next step. Salt was a highly valued preservative in ancient times. The earliest record of cheese making dates back to 5,500 BCE in what is now Poland. Today there are over 1,400 varieties of cheese. Check out these titles

New & Notable Titles

General Fiction Mystery Romance Science Fiction Adventure

Nonfiction Past & Present Science & Nature Lifestyles Business

Children's Picture Children's Chapter Teen Scene

Books on the Air

An overview of talked-about books and authors. This weekly update, published every Friday, provides descriptions of recent TV and radio appearances by authors and their recently released books. See the hot titles from the media this week.

This Week's Bestsellers

Hardcover Fiction

Hardcover Nonfiction

Paperback Fiction

Paperback Nonfiction

Natasha Lester

When I was a child, I loved nothing more than to escape into the world of a story. I also loved to create my own books and I wondered what it would be like to make readers feel the same way I did when I lost myself in a book. Natasha Lester worked as a marketing executive for L'Oréal, managing the Maybelline brand, before returning to university to study creative writing. She completed a Master of Creative Arts and has written several novels. In her spare time Natasha loves to teach writing, is a sought after public speaker and can often be found playing dress-up with her three children. She lives in Perth. Check out her books here.

Science Fiction and Fantasy TBR

If getting lost in a magical realm or a space adventure is your reading jam, then you'll love these brand new SFF books that will transport you with a turn of the page. Check them out here

I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.-Groucho Marx


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