March 8, 2024


I'm sure you've seen the headlines. Americans are experiencing a loneliness epidemic, and (ironically?) we're not alone: the World Health Organization has declared loneliness “a global health concern.” A lack of social connections can increase a person's risk of premature death as much as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. Heart disease, stroke, depression, anxiety, dementia-the gang's all here. Relationships aren't a luxury. Indeed, the longest-running study on human happiness, conducted at Harvard over several decades, has revealed that deep relationships are the strongest predictor of well-being. Correcting this problem, reconnecting our communities, and creating new ones will take a concerted effort, and we will need something more than a hearty exhortation to “get back out there!” to help us do it. Here's a look at books that offer structures and practical advice for developing new relationships and deepening the ones you have. Check out these titles

New & Notable Titles

General Fiction Mystery Romance Science Fiction Adventure

Nonfiction Past & Present Science & Nature Lifestyles Business

Children's Picture Children's Chapter Teen Scene

Books on the Air

An overview of talked-about books and authors. This weekly update, published every Friday, provides descriptions of recent TV and radio appearances by authors and their recently released books. See the hot titles from the media this week.

This Week's Bestsellers

Hardcover Fiction

Hardcover Nonfiction

Paperback Fiction

Paperback Nonfiction

Chris Bohjalian

Since the selection of his fifth novel Midwives for Oprah's Book Club back in 1998, bestselling author Chris Bohjalian has enjoyed success for his powerful storytelling about ordinary folks in wrenching circumstances. Twice Bohjalian, who is part Swedish, part Armenian, has turned to history as a source of inspiration: the Armenian Genocide by Turkey was the backdrop for The Sandcastle Girls, and World War II for Skeletons at the Feast. Both books received widespread critical acclaim. Chris graduated Phi Beta Kappa and Summa Cum Laude from Amherst College. He has been awarded Honorary Degrees as well from Amherst, Champlain College, and Castleton University. He lives in Vermont with his wife, the photographer Victoria Blewer. Check out his books here

Book Club Picks

Discover the latest reads you'll want to dive into and discuss together with your book club and fellow bibliophiles! Check them out here

Books are the carriers of civilization...They are companions, teachers, magicians, bankers of the treasures of the mind. Books are humanity in print.-Barbara W. Tuchman


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